Rule for issuance of license explains in detail types of licenses issued by Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska, as well as the method for submission of applications for issuance of licenses with necessary documents, criteria, terms and conditions for the license issuance.
Applications for issuance of licenses, extension, amendment, transfer, cancellation and revocation of the license are submitted to RERS in special, purpose-made forms, which are available in the section of Forms. A certain type of license may require additional documents too. Incomplete applications will not be treated.
Once the application is received as complete, there will be public notice issued that will offer the stakeholders information on how to take part in the license issuance process, either sending their comments or asking for the intervener status. Upon completion of the complete prescribed procedure, RERS may approve application with or without conditions or reject it. Each RERS decision shall be based on facts which shall enable the public understand reasons for making such a decision.
Interested parties, for the purposes of better understanding of all necessary steps of this process, may download Course diagram for the license issuance procedure at these pages.