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Decision Making

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Regulator makes decisions in the sessions which are held when needed, but at least once in 30 days. The sessions are called by the President of the Regulator. The same may be initiated also by any member of the Regulator with the written proposal to call the session.

All sessions are public except internal meetings and a closed portion of the regular session.


Regular sessions

Regular sessions are as a rule held in the head office of the Regulator but may also be held in some other place determined by the Regulator. The public is informed about the date, time and place of the regular session holding, as well as about the agenda, at least 5 days before the session is held.

If needed, Regulator may decide that a portion of the regular session is closed for the public (in order to protect confidential information or trade secret). The Regulator policy is, whenever possible, to avoid holding of the closed portion of the regular session and, whenever possible, proceedings are held in a form of the session open for the public.


Emergency session

Emergency session is called in case of emergency or to inform the public about the danger for health, safety or welfare of the public. These sessions are open for the public.


Internal meeting

Regulator organizes its daily activities through internal meetings on which the final decisions about the internal administrative issues may be made. Internal meeting is called at least once in 15 days.

Decisions about the issues which are under the Regulator competence, defined by Article 23 of the Law on electricity, may not be made at these meetings, but decisions’ proposals may be prepared which shall be discussed in the next regular session of the Regulator.

Internal meetings are not open for the public, although Regulator may, by its own decision, approve of the presence of the interested persons and their representatives.


Decisions making 

Regulator may preliminary vote about any issue in the regular sessions or internal meetings before the final voting, if it is asked by any member of the Regulator. This voting has no impact on the final voting and serves Regulator to consider and formulate the decision about the complex issues.

When the president of the Regulator establishes that the hearing about some issue is over, he calls members of the Regulator to vote. Final decision about the issues which are under Regulator competence established by the Law on electricity is always made in the regular session.


Voting about all decisions and conclusions of the Regulator is public. Decision, i.e. conclusion is considered to have been passed if the majority of total number of the Regulator members has voted for it.


All final decisions of the Regulator are published in the “Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska”.

Decisions of the Regulator are final. Party which is not satisfied with the decision may initiate the administrative dispute before the competent court but in that way it does not prevent implementation of the Regulator decision.